
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The End of Another Year....2014!

Many times a week I think of this blog. Mentally I write posts every time, never taking the time to actually write or post the photos I wish to post. So much has happened since the last time I posted, too.

Mario is still in living in another state, waiting for his lease to expire so he can move back to Texas. He has come to realize that the opportunities are better in Houston than they are in Kentucky. He is working, making just a bit above minimum wage, and he's decided that isn't the quality of life he wants to live. EXHALE... Hopefully, he will find his niche soon.

RJ was accepted into private school and he is loving his new atmosphere. He received an athletic scholarship for basketball, but he isn't performing at the level they thought he would. He's almost 17 and he's going through many changes. He's learning life is not always about having fun.

The youngest two started the school year in public school. I took Crystal out after the first week and CJ out the 2nd week. Homeschooling is for us. I just need to focus more on making it work better. We went on tons of educational trips in September and October, and a few in November. Right now I am focusing more on helping them set goals for the next 3 months.

As for me, I am also in school. I am working on my Associate Degree in Accounting. Also, I am having a really hard time preparing for turning the big 4-0 in March. It has nothing to do with aging. I celebrate each day I live. It is more about feeling like my life doesn't look like I thought it would look by the time I reached this age. It has me grumpy, frustrated, and frozen in time. I keep dissecting my life to see how I got where I am and trying to figure where it is I want to be. I have decided to remove as many distractions as I can from my life, starting with Facebook. I will see how long it will last, but I plan to quit Facebook for one year. I am still trying to figure out how I will find out about field trips, but I'm sure I will find a way. Either that or I will have to work on my self-control.

Once again, my plan is to devote more time to this blog. It calls my name. It's time for me to start writing again. Maybe it will ease some of this stress I feel.